Provider search

Enter your criteria and click Search to look for providers. Or change provider type, your address, etc. If you don't use street, ZIP is required. If street address is used, distance (in miles) to a provider's location will be more precise because it is based on an exact starting point.

Once you identify a participating dentist, it is recommended that you confirm the office accepts your dental plan. Not all participating dentists accept all of the plans offered by CompBenefits and its subsidiary companies. If you and your dependents are covered by any of CompBenefits Indemnity plans, you may choose any dentist. You are not limited to dentists that participate with CompBenefits. CompBenefits accepts no responsibility nor liability for any damages arising from the use of this information.

Dentists affiliated with an office may not provide services at all locations shown on this directory. Please contact your dentist to confirm that he/she practices at the desired location.

**Participating provider does not provide discounts on services not covered by your plan. This may not apply to all practice locations. Please contact your dentist to confirm.

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